Objective of This Volume
The objective of this volume is to suggest precise explanation
and concrete intepretation, with tangeable examples, on essential parts of Taekwondo
philosophy given in Philosophical Principles of Taekwondo, in academical
and technical ways. Here, when I say academical
explanation it means each part of the entire explanation
compose a consistent whole building up a complete system. On the other hand,
when I say technical explanation it means the explanation corresponds to the
concrete techniques showing it is inner framework of the skills. If Taekwondo
philosophy were not academical it lose the value of its being a good philosophical
system. And if it were not technical, even when it were academical, it cannot
be more than a vacant theory that doesn't have full relation to concrete techniques
of Taekwondo.
It is well known that Taekwondo is the most famous Korean
traditional martial art and it is patterns of human activity based on the Korean
traditional philosophy. It is why man of Taekwondo men, whenever they discuss
the origin of Taekwondo, have quoted the script of Nannangbi's preface that
Choi, Chi-Won wrote, to emphasize the close relation between Taekwondo and Korean
traditional philosophies. The preface of Nannangbi is like the following;
is a very profound and deep recondite Do(Ô³, principles) in this country,
which is called Pung Ryu(ù¦×µ=Pung Ryu Do). We can see its origin through
the history of Sin Sun. This Pung Ryu Do includes those 3 principles of
confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, enlightening all mankind. When thos
who learn this Do come in, they honor their parnents as well as devote
themselves to the country when go out, which is the instruction of Confucius.
On on hand they conduct themselves doing nothing intentional and instruct
others without words, which is what Lao-tzu has taught, and on the other
hand they try not to do many kinds of harm and try to do a variety of
goodness at once, which is itself instruction of Buddha."1)
is easy to find the symbols of Samjae in Korean Culture.>
To sum up, they have been insisting you can best confirm the philosophy of
Pung Ryu Do or Sin Sun Do, which is the essence of Taekwondo philosophy, in
this script. In spite of the truth of their vague argument, however, they couldn't
actually support their further argument with academical investigations that
can explain the close relation between Taekwondo and philosophy of Sin Sun Do.
It is the point where this volume can meet some academical demands of Taekwondo
philosophy. I mean, I will show you in my own way how the philosophies of Confucianism,
Buddhism and Taoism are related to Taekwondo, along the main conception of the
Korean traditional thinking way. And the main part of my explanation will be
concentrated on Samjae and Kang-Yu. This is why the title of this volume is
On Samjae & Kang-Yu.
1) ¡¸ß²ÏÐÞÈÑÀ¡¹, ãæÔþÜâѺ òØýéèÝ ÑÀÞÀ.