1-5. Theories of Samjae and Taekwondo
Then, someone may ask if the ideal theories satisfying those restrictions are
possible. I'd like to answer it in two ways. The first answer is; even though
it were very difficult to be impossible we need those standards for our efficient
devotion to theoretical development. which was suggested already above. The
second is; the comprehensive theory suggested in The
Philosophical Principles of Taekwondo(PPT) can be a candidate for this
kind of theory with satisfaction of all specifications. The theory of PPT focuses
on Taekwondo itself consistently from beginning to end. So it satisfies the
identity restriction. And it formalizes the ways of Samjae to enlarge the conceptual
scheme and apply it isomorphically to the mind-body problem, ethics, ontologies
and the problem of life. So it also satisfies comprehension restriction. In
addition to them, this theory advances the concept of "Transcendence to
inside of life" and the distinction of distinctive and non-distinctive
knowledge suggested by general oriental philosophy with reasonable interpretation,
seeking new kind of solution for classical problems of philosophy. Thus, it
also satisfies the third, productivity restriction. The content of PPT is displayed
in relatively brief texts compared to its comprehensive implications, which
will be followed by another additional researches and books of detailed explanations.
Any way, I wish you get interested in it. This volume On Samjae and Kang-Yu
is also one of them.