2-5. Kang-Yu in Taekwondo
Keuk Ki, the Korean national flag shows the system of yin/yang.>
The patternized figures of what is distinguished, so of what is relatively
constant, is yin and yang. The property of changes composed of yin/yang is Kang/Yu
and its existence or non-existence is Heo or Sil.1)
You can conceive Kang/Yu with conception of yin/yang or control yin/yang by
means of Kang/Yu, or find them through Heo/Sil. Concerned with Kang/Yu and yin/yang,
however, the both are different. Thus, if Kang is conceived as yin Yu will become
yang, while if Kang is as yang Yu will become yin. Similarly, if Kang suggests
yang Yu will lead you to yin, while if Kang suggests yin Yu will lead to yang.
But Kang by itself is neither yang nor yin, and neither is Yu.
When there is a will that has some objective and that works it will produce
against and following. These are Kang and Yu. They, combined with recognition,
become easiness and difficulty. Any of against and following, or easiness and
difficulty can be distinguished as yin/yang as they are objectified. At the
same time, none of them is yin or yang by itself. Conversely, as yin/yang includes
changes in its meaning it is just in change, so it is found in Kang/Yu according
to its property of change. To distinguish in Taekwondo, however, none of yin
and yang is Kang or Yu by itself.
1) They use not only the term of yin/yang(ëäåÕ) but also of Kang/Yu(˧êõ)
as another same expression of same meaning in The Great Appendix. This
volume will distinguish those two terms as different. It is required to elucidate
and analize the technique of martial arts specifically. Another concept of Heo/Sil(úÈãù)
will be adopted for the same purpose.