2-6. Training, Mind, Technique
The principles of Taekwondo is to be explained along the ways of Samjae.
This is due to that since TAEKWONDO is not different from the universal
principle applicable to everything the conceptual framework applicable
to everything is best for its explanation. And this is also due to that
you cannot be free from TAEKWONDO. Since you are in it what you conceive
includes Saram(Man), so conception of objects begins not along yin/yang
or Kang-Yu but along Samjae first. This is why "this
principle, according to which everyone can control his mind and body and
live his life, has been called "TAEKWONDO" by senior masters."(Ch.1)
Therefore, Taekwondo is the principle of practice prior to the truth of
As you've observed Samjae as the origin of distinction is a reflective concept.
You can understand distinction through Samjae and its forms are yin/yang, Kang-Yu
and Heo-Sil. This framework of Samjae enables you to understand more easily
not only visible aspects but also invisible foundation of Taekwondo techniques.
They include technique, mind and training, and also up to life. Now let me begin
considerations on the foundation of technique, though it is invisible; training
and mind and their realtions to technique.1)
[Training, Technique, Mind] To talk of technique, mind and training
from the viewpoint of using techniques, it can be said that training is Haneul,
technique Tang and mind Saram. Training is Haneul in this case because the mind
and the technique of Taekwondo can exist through training. Technique is Tang.
For technique is verily the object that is distinguished. What is to be obtained
in the motion connected from a technique to another is verily doing what you
want to do, which is just keeping your own intention. Accordingly what corresponds
to Saram is your mind.
With the accordance of training and technique in mind you can achieve the completion
of your technique. This is the completion in technique, and it is verily Oneness
of Haneul and Tang in Saram.[ìÑñéô¸ò¢ìé]2) Completion
implies a finish. But it is not the finish. Hence, although it is a finish,
saying "Oneness and Nothingness
Finish Together with Each Other."(Ch.64) Nothing is not what can finish,
and since oneness and nothingness are same there is nothing that can finish.
Therefore there is no finish. Only it finish tentatively.3)
Training, Technique] On the other hand, in consideration focused on training
mind is Haneul, training Tang and technique Saram. Mind is Haneul in this case
because the broad frame that supports continued training, which enables hard
and boring training to be continued, is the mind of practitioner. Of course,
the training should be supported by his life, too. If you have true desire for
training, however, you can find no good reason that will stop you from continuing
your training although some bad conditions may allow only loose and short training.
On the other hand training focuses on technique. This is why technique corresponds
to Haneul. This is the case where you as a master have to teach Taekwondo to
your student, and here you should have your student get the accordance of his
mind and his training in a technique. Then you can finish the training. This
is the <Oneness of Haneul and Tang in Saram> in training.
[Technique, Mind, Training] Considering them focused on mind, so objectifying
mind with distinction, the mind becomes verily Tang while technique becomes
Haneul and training Saram. Technique is Haneul because the mind in Taekwondo
exists with technique, and futhermore because a mind without activity is meaningless.
That is to say, the technique as activity is what enables mind. On the other
hand, as mind improves and forms through training the training rules the activity
of mind. Therefore training becomes the principle of controlling mind. This
is the case where you as a practitioner want to begin your spiritual culture
in Taekwondo, and here, you can get the mind of Taekwondo when you get the accordance
of technique and mind in training. This is the <Oneness of Haneul and Tang
in Saram>, too, in training.
1) In this whole volume the first settlement;
training, technique and mind will be used mainly among the following three.
Because the main focus of this volume will be given on the technique of Taekwondo
2) ¡¸ô¸Ý¬Ì衹, ìÑñéô¸ò¢ìé.
3) ¡¸ô¸Ý¬Ì衹, ìéðûÙíðûìé.