3-8-2. Basic Motion
Basic motion consists of Jumbi Jasae(pose of Junbi), basic walking and breathing.
Jumbi Jasae consists of only one. This is same as mentioned in the foregoing
chapter. The essential part of this Jumbi Jasae is the breathing. Without understanding
of this breathing you can go nowhere in the training of Jumbi Jasae. It can
be nothing but unnecessary and formal motion.
Basic walking can be different according to each Seogi Jasae(standing pose),
but it is also nothing more than one. It is to get Samjae of walking in motion;
moving in low pose, standing on one foot only moment by moment, and collapsing
your balance continuously.
Breathing can be also different according to each motion, each pose and speed
of movement, yet it's nothing more than one, too. It's Pyae-Ki.