6-1. One Skillart
The mind and technique of Taekwondo, thus, its <Do> can be formulated
distinctive way only in the framework of Samjae. To say it conversely, Samjae
is the framework for understanding the change of everything distinguishable.
Therefore there is none of technique of any martial art that is not subject
to TAEKWONDO of this sort.
As every change shows itself in distinctive way each object that is fixed as
something particular appears as each thing. Thus eight trigrams come to symbolize
all things of variety. Yin/yang is the form of this distinction and Samjae is
the form of change that enables that distinction. Samjae can be what it is because
it shows us the relation of the inherent One as totality and the existence of
distinguished object in it.
On the other hand, the entire I Ching is composed of 64 hexagrams. Each of
them is made of two coupled trigrams. Why is it not that three trigrams compose
512 emblems along the framework of Samjae but that only two are engaged in that
composition? 8 trigrams already represent change distinctively. 8 trigrams contain
change already. It is 64 hexagrams that subdivide this change into more various
distinct kinds. There is distinguished change already, which should be subdivided:
this further distinction is the point of increasement from 8 trigrams to 64
hexagrams here. It's why the composition advances, for that distinction, with
only more two trigrams along the framework of two symbols, namely yin and yang.1)
The nondistinctive
one moves, and its accumulated motions generate boundless changes. All of these
are possible based on Samjae. Referring to it Cheon Bu Kyeong said: "Accumulating
those onenesses to be big ten, never-ending change is caused by those Three."2)
In addition ¡°Control your opponent
with Sool(âú), face yourself with Yae(çÝ) and get the whole along Do(Ô³), and it
is TAEKWONDO,¡±(Ch. 13) and it is the ultimate Ilgiyae.
¡°The one skill is not simply one
but that that contains all techniques in one, therefore, though simple, it includes
boundless changes.¡±(Ch. 57) To tell this it was said in Cheon Bu Kyeong
; ¡°Since this One is profound and mysterious, coming and going innumerably,
its use changes while its root never changes.¡±3)
¡°What is Taekwondo? It is the art
of one skill."(Ch. 57)
1) That is, one more yin/yang is to be piled on the other along
the form of yin/yang. Accordingly we can get more subdivided distinction and
that's all. We cannot advance this distinction to another level. For another
level of distinction we have to pile three trigrams along the framework of Samjae.
2) ¡¸ô¸Ý¬Ì衹, ìéîÝä¨Ëé, Ùí ûùß².
3) ¡¸ô¸Ý¬Ì衹, ìéÙØæâ Ø¿èÙØ¿ÕÎ éÄܨÝÕÔÑÜâ.