6-4. Training of Ilgiyae
How can you get this one skillart? "So you should not be attached to things
as being possessed of, or devoid of, intrinsic qualities."1)
It means, you should stop the attachment to transcend. Where to transcend? Its
direction is to inside of life. This transcendence to inside of life will give
you "doing both of transcendence
and attachment of victory and defeat"(Ch.16), and it's because you
can also find the attachment inside of the life.
On the other hand, Lao Tzu said, "The great <Do> flows everywhere.
It may go left or right."2) and "always
without desires, it may be called The Small."3)
In this manner, <Do> is close by us. Or rather, we are always with <Do>.
Because of this reason, "this
motion of Taekwondo is nothing more rather than an action of daily life, which
has been repeated and skilled in the long process, so, everything unnecessary
is to disappear worn out."(Ch.40) Therefore, you should seek Ilgiyae
through training, and control it with daily action.
training of Taekwondo is like sharpening a blade. <A traditional scene
of making a sword in Korea>
Like this, the process of Taekwondo training is just like that of sharpening
a blade. In order to make a blade sharp you should whet dull piece of steel
for long time, remove every thing unnecessary worn away. No more than you can
complete sharpening a blade whetting it only several times you can get the skillart
of Taekwondo only by several times of training; no more than you can get a good
sharp blade without care of the straight arrangement of its edge you can accomplish
the skillart without your careful selection of the right ways; and no more than
you can continue to whet a knife for long time without your desire for a sharp
blade you cannot get the Ilgiyae of Taekwondo without sincerity to cultivate
Because the daily action is not different from the ultimate skill of Taekwondo
you cannot fine something particular. Therefore it is vacant. This is said of
being empty. Therefore, "What does the
Wise know more of?/ He knows emptiness of/ both Taekwondo and himself."5)
That's all.
Understanding all of these will show you the clear truth in it, so, when you
are deeply awakened of it you will feel the world brighter suddenly as if you
look up a great light.6) Then your ways of
Haneul and Tang will be same as one in what you intend to do, which is verily
the <Oneness of Haneul and Tang in Saram>.7)
1) Diamond Sutra, 6. ãÀͺ ÝÕëëö¢Ûö ÝÕëëö¢ÞªÛö.
2) Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, 34, ÓÞÔ³Ûðû±, Ðìʦñ§éÓ,
3) Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, 34. ßÈÙíé°, ʦ٣åÚá³.
4) You can see Samjae here, too; it is the way of Haneul to whet a blade for
long time and it is the way of Tang to arrange it along straight line since
it is distinction. The sincerity of sharpening a blade is the way of Saram because
it is intending to do something.
5) "Tightening a Black Bet On a White Uniform", Taebaek.
6) ¡¸ô¸Ý¬Ì衹, ÷¼åÕäéÙ¥.
7) ¡¸ô¸Ý¬Ì衹: ìÑñéô¸ò¢ìé.