7-10-3. Advantages of Kang-Yu
In the completion of Taekwondo technique the right hardness should include
softness, which again includes hardness. In this Kang and Yu techniques make
In this oneness "the soft
capably suppress down the hard while the hard capably cut off the soft. Also
do the soft capably keep the hard alive making it changeful while the hard capably
keep the soft strong making its bones inside."(Ch.41) Along this manner
"he who knows the male and keeps to the female/ Becomes the ravine of the
world. / Being the ravine of the world, /He will never depart from eternal virture,
/But returns to the state of infancy."1)
It means, you can develope yourself to the true emptiness through oneness of
Kang and Yu are the opposite concepts in their symbolic meaning. But in their
actual applications they can be unified in a technique like this. How do you
know you can accord Kang-gi and Yu-gi? Can you follow the opponent cowering
your body? If you can, you can put Yu-gi in Kang-gi. Can you concentrate your
motion on his weak part with adequate relaxation? If you can, you can put Kang-gi
in Yu-gi.
That is to say, you should make use of advantages of your pose to build power,
then concentrate it. This is Kang-gi, which already follows the Nature in use
of advantages of pose. Hence, the 'following' in Kang-gi, which is the essence
of Yu-gi. On the other, you should exhaust his motion at the end of your following,
to ruin his balance and prevent his concentration after all. Since he fails
his concentration you come to get more concentration relatively. Hence the 'concentration'
in Yu-gi, which is the essence of Kang-gi.
who knows the male and keeps to the female/ Becomes the ravine of the
What is the reason you should make use of the advantage of pose to obtain Kang?
¡°Tide and balance when united makes
pose.¡±(Ch.24) Tide is to be obtained in the unification of Haneul and Saram,
and balance in the unification of Tang and Saram.(Ch.
19). Therefore, pose is connected to Haneul and Tang based on Saram. As
Haneul and Tang are in connection based on Saram(man) you can control both distinguished
things and the foundation of the distinction along what you intend to do. After
all you can build Kang according to what you intend to do. This is why you should
make use of the advantage of pose. Otherwise, if you merely rely on your strength
to fight your opponent, he can make counter use of you strength to have you
opposed to the world.
The way to obtain Yu is to ruin the opponent's balance following him. In order
to follow him you should control the appropriate distance, for which you should
ride the flow of <Heo-Sil>. For ¡°If
you master how to control <HeoSil> in this manner you will be familiar
with the Taekwondo distance,"(Ch. 29) and with your controlling distance
you can be adequately close to or far from your opponent to follow him, yet
not losing what you intend to do. In addition, ¡°since the opponent adapts himself
to the change pursuing what he wants" you can ruin his balance "only
when you restrict his adaptation along the flow of <Heo> and <Sil>,"(Ch
29) so "you can find your ideal
balance only in your accomplishment of what you want in motions according to
your opponent."(Ch. 22) This is why you can obtain Yu by riding the
flow of <Heo-Sil>.
1) Lao Tsu, Tao Te Ching, 28. ò±Ðìê©, áúÐìíÁ, êÓô¸ù»Í¬, êÓô¸ù»Í¬, ßÈÓìÝÕ×î,