7-3-3. Use of Kang-technique
What you have to concentrate first in the use of Kang-technique is neither
your strength nor your motion. According your mind with your motion; this is
what you have to do first in Kang-technique. Accordance is the objective form
of concentration, i.e. the figure of concentration. No accordance no concentration.
The objective fact of the accordance of mind and motion depends on the subjective
fact of the concentration of mind in training. Thus, Taekwondo training comes
to concentrate on the controlling mind. Owing to this reason you can achieve
Kang-technique sometimes without concentration of strength and weight, of which
the figure is more the sharpness than the hardness. That is, it is the sharpness
that is the quality of the technique you come to make only with concentration
of mind without that of strength and weight.
Since intrinsically mind is the root of everything,1)
it has been said "when the mind is not present, we look and do not see;
we hear and do not understand; we eat and do not know the taste of what we eat."2)
Therefore, none of Taekwondo technique can be a right one without movement of
mind. This is why sharpness belongs to Kang-technique.
you have to concentrate first in the use of Kang-gi is neither your strength
nor your motion but your mind>
For accordance of mind and motion mind and pose should be in accord. When you
make no motion your pose becomes conditon of your technique while when you make
some motion the pose in it become the root of power of the technique. Therefore,
"its abundant power comes/ not from the
strong muscles/ but from the temperateness through a good exact pose."3)
Kang-gi can be a technique, not merely using strength only, not only because
it enables you to concentrate your strength on his weak point but also because
you can obtain the strength not from your muscular force but from your pose.
Therefore, pose is technique. I mean, the technique of Kang-gi is not in motions
but rather in exact poses inside motions. This is why you have to learn Taekwondo
poses at first when you begin your training of Taekwondo.
If you have got the accordance of mand and motion you have to accord your pose
with your motion. I mean you keep exact poses in your motion. So you should
be able to make exact pose at the end of your motion naturally. One explanation
about this Kang-technique is "Making
Little Movement Big Relyng on <Do>"(Ch.36).
1) ¡¸ô¸Ý¬Ì衹, ÜâãýÜâ.
2) The Great Learning, 07-02 ãýÝÕî¤åê ãÊì»ÝÕ̸ ôéì»ÝÕÚ¤ ãÝì»ÝÕò±ÐìÚ«.
3) "Tightening a Black Bet On a White Uniform", <Chokwon>