7-6. Interception of Offense
With full understanding of the concept of Kang-Yu you can know not only the
ways of how to attack your opponent but also those of how to intercept his attacks.
Thus, you can understand everything of offence and defence wholly.
How can you get them? Kang-gi is to be performed through concentration. Therefore,
you can intercept his Kang-gi in advance by scattering him. And Yu-gi is to
be performed through following your opponent. Therefore, you can intercept his
Yu-gi by preceding him so that he cannot follow you.
[Interception of Kang-gi] What does it mean to scatter your opponent
for the sake of intercepting Kang-gi? First, you should scatter his hands and
feet preventing their help. This is to scatter his body. Also you should scatter
his balance and tide so that he cannot use his power. This is to scatter his
flow of Ki. And you should deceive him preventing the concentration of his sense
and knowledge. This is to scatter his mind.
Hence Sun Tzu's saying; "Those who were called skillful leaders of old
knew how to drive a wedge between the enemy's front and rear; to prevent co-operation
between his large and small divisions; to hinder the good troops from rescuing
the bad, the officers from rallying their men."1)
The technique of Taekwondo man is same as this in its principle.
Sometimes this scatteredness happens by itself. "Thus
each part of his goes amiss one another with its functions out of accord and
the crevice among those cracked functions makes a blind point."(Ch.28)
This blind point is the target you have to hit making little movement big relying
on <Do>.
also uses the principle of Kang-Yu>
Let me consider examples of scattering. You grab the opponent by the collar
and shake. This is the motion even those who didn't learn Taekwondo often use
in fight. Grabbing him by the collar and shaking you can ruin his balance scattering
his spirit. This way you can prevent his punch or kick from being powerful.
On the other hand, the Judo player will grab his opponent by the nape of the
neck with a hand and by the sleeve with the other. This is also to block the
concentration of the opponent's two hands on a part oppressing his center with
one hand on the nape of the neck, which intends to scatter his balance and spirit.
[Interception of Yu-gi] What does it mean to precede him for the sake
of intercepting Yu-gi? "The
preceding attack should precede three; it should precede his motion, it should
precede his waiting and it should precede his expectation."(Ch.29)
By the way, attack and defence is not different inherently(Ch.38),
so you should precede all the same things in interception of Yu-gi, too.
How can you get these three kinds of precedence? First you should have quick
walking. Also you should stop hesitation. And then, you should be skilled in
techniques. Getting them you can get three kinds of precedence.
You can get quick walking only when you can tilt your center fast moving. With
quick walking you can make quick forwards and backwards. With quick forwards
and backwards you can achieve quick techniques of hand and foot with power of
your weight. So you can precede your opponent's motion.
On the other hand, he also hesitates exactly when you hesitate. Therefore,
if you stop hesitation you can begin your motion while his hesitation, so you
can precede his waiting.
Why do you hesitate? Why can't you walk quickly? Because you lack training.
Getting skilled in techniques in many-time training along right way you can
precede your hesitation, deceiving yourself, so that you can erase yourself.
1) Sun Tsu, The Art of War, Îúò¢ø¹ð¯ä¨ìé, á¶êÝͯñýà¼éÄܲíº, ÒöÞÅîØìÑîñýÜôßÓÐà,
ñëÍûÜôßÓã¾, ÏþôÁÜôßÓÏ, ß¾ù»ÜôßÓݦ, ðï×îì»Üôó¢, ܲùêì»Üôðº.