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   Taekwondo Seminar in Porto  

Origianl Plan

Title of Seminar : Inner Principles of Taekwondo

Training for Beginners
1st day Basic training and its Significance
1) Stretching
2) Strengthening Fist and Leg
3) Breathing
2nd day Basic Poses and Techniques 1.
1) Crash and its importance
2) Basic Tactics of Fighting
3) Mind and Skills
3rd day Basic Poses and Techniques 2.
1) Juchum Seogi and Its Techniques
2) Apkubi Seogi and Its Techniques
3) Duikubi Seogi and Its Techniques
4th day Basic Poses and Techniques 3.
1) Walking and Composition of Techniques
2) Walking and Kicking
3) Jumping kicks
5th day Composition of Techniques and Poomsae
1) How to Practice Poomsae
2) How to Practice Sparring
3) Relation of Poomsae and Sparring
6th day Motion Itself and Weapon
1) The Meaning of Weapon in Taekwondo
2) Why Motion Itself?
3) True Martial Arts and Simplicity
7th day Importance of Mind Controle and Breathe
1) The Last Problem
2) Balance of Taekwondo and Life
3) Q & A


Curriculum for Black Belts
1st day The Relation of Mind and Taekwondo
1) Can the basic motio be useful in actual fight?
2) Why common man cannot use Taekwondo technique?
3) The mind in daily training
4) Mind controlling in skills
2nd day Two Categories of All Kinds of Martial Techniques
1) The concepts of Kang and Yu (Refer to "On Samjae & Kang-Yu")
2) How to practice the principles of Kang & Yu
3) Change between Kang & Yu
3rd day Samjae of Taekwondo
1) Is it a rhetoric to talk of Samjae or Mind?
2) The actual meaning of Samjae in Taekwondo
3) Samjae and Kang-Yu
4th day The Significance of Basic in Taekwondo
1) Why the skill doesn't work in actual case?
2) True difference of level
3) The meaning of basic and high level skills
5th day

Relation of Poomsae and Sparring
1) The natural fighting techniques and its problem
2) Advanced skills and its problem
3) Distance, Tide and Balance
4) How to practice poomsae and sparring

6th day The Structure of Poomsae
1) Factors of Poomsae
2) The poomsaes of another martial arts
3) Composition and continuity of skills
7th day Taekwondo and Humanity
1) Moral Aspects of Taekwondo
2) Identity of philosophy of Taekwondo
3) The master of Taekwondo


Actual Activity in the Seminar

We succeeded sharing almost knowledges of Taekwondo with hard and interesting trainings. The original plan was rearranged according to the given condition. We couldn't separate beginners from black belts, and we had a little bit too many people to explain detailed factors of technique or sophisticated aspects of training. So we focused on how to suggest principles of Taekwondo not in words but in hard training, discarding some of too sophisticated contents. We think it was quite successful enough.