It was really awful memory, even painful to remember... in the horrorable
Blue hyong (or oppa) offered us to go to Pizzahut for dinner.
It was in the beginning of that summer, and it was not bad to have pizza
as a supper.
So we followed him, without any idea of the coming horror of Pizzahut
prepared for us.

The beginning was good. Even Hye-Min dared to have a piece of Pizza for
Everyone was smilling with good and delicious looking pizzas and cool
coke on table.

Here, you can see Nadia also try another piece of pizza bravely after
And peaceful conversation of people behind our table was still hidding
the coming horror.

Yes, yes, it was still good. It is not bad to enjoy the present pleasure
in spite of the painful future.

Everyone is thinking only of have pizza. And remember their happy faces.
At that moment our lives were happy because of pizza.

It happened when two more pizzas appeared even after we are all full
of pizza.
From that time on it became a seriously painful thing to have more pizza,
however blue hyong(or oppa) forced us to continue.
Listen to their painful outcries, "Please, please stop. I hate pizza,
I hate coke, and I hate every food!!"

Look at the vague eyes of the miserable guy, giving up everything, even
inclusive of life too.
We could sell even our souls to Demon if we could stop eating more pizza,
at that time.

Then we could know that blue hyong(or oppa) was not a mand but actually
blue demon. -_-;;
Any way, it was realy lucky that everyone lived from the horrorable night
in Pizzahut.
After that we made dicisions to strengthen up our ability of digestion
through harder training of TKD.