8 Maeks
The term "This Kigyong 8 maeks" can be translated
to "Eight Extra Channels". These Kigyong 8 maeks
are branches of inner Kyongrak. They are called such as since they are constituted
of 8 branches. They are more important in Ki-gong(training of Ki) rather than
in medical cure.
The general properties of the Kigyong 8 maeks are like followings.
The Kigyong 8 maeks have no internal organs of their own as
do the Jeonggyeong 12 Maeks. And they have no points
of their own except for the ceonception and governing channels.
The Kigyong 8 maeks have neither tonifying or sedation
points nor source points.
Their energy does not flow in one direction, like the
Jeonggyeong 12 maeks, except the conception and governing channels.
And Kigyong 8 maeks have a master (confluent) point and coupled point.
The Kigyong 8 maeks are very unlike the Jeonggyeong 12 maeks
except the governing and conception channels. It is these similarities that
the latter channels have that make them intermediaries between the Kigyong 8
maeks and the Jeonggyeong 12 maeks.
The Channels of Kigyong 8 maeks are like followings.
The Functions of Kigyong 8 Maeks
Dok maek controls yang, Im maek summarize yin, YangYu maek connects
yangs, EomYu maek connects yins, YangKyo maek links yang to yin, EomKyo maek
links yin to yang, Dae maek controls motions(the movement of muscles), and Chung
maek controls nutrition.