Explanation of <Do>
We can think of the whole of everything that exists. This world
is full of everything that exists(is), for something that doesn't exist doesn't
exist. What exists is what influences anothers. Then every change is related
to anothers always. Whenever we think of something it cannot but be what is
a part of the whole, for every name and every distinctive object is based on
our epistemological distinction.
<For we can say nothing at all about what only is(exists).
If there is one even without empty space(if there is empty space more than a
thing it would be two.) it is impossible to talk of whatever.>
Then we can conclude the whole change is mingled in complete
one over another interruption, which is not, so it is permanent and constant.
If there is a permanent constant change it must be constant, which means it
changes along a constant frame no matter whether it may be shapeless. We call
it with the contradictory name of <Do> because if we can name it it come
to be distinguished, which is out of its proper meaning.
Then how can we know <Do>? We can know it only over out
usual distinction, i.e. nondistinctive way. We can know it not in our conscious
recognition, which is separated from the being itself, but rather in the what
exist of itself; our action.
The following is a poem that is beginning of Tao Te ching of Lao
Tzu. This article explains the concept of <Do> in paradoxical way.
Chapter 1 of Lao Tzu.
The Do that can be told of is not the eternal
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The Nameless is the origin of Heaven and Earth;
The Named is the mother of all things.
Therefore let there always be non-being, so
we may see their subtlety.
And let there always be being, so we may see their outcome.
The two are the same,
But after they are produced, they have different names.
They both may be called deep and profound.
Deeper and more profound,
The doore of all subtleties!
And this chapter is the mos important among all, for this part picture the
basic characteristics of Do as the eternal, the nameless and the root of all
phenomena(the things).