is the name of the inherent martial art that has been succeeded to Koreans
from the oldest time on.
Thus, the philosophical principles of Taekwondo is so profound and infinite
as such.
This philosophical principles of Taekwondo may not be what the ancestors
of Koreans have thought distinctively and made in Taekwondo literally.
However, that principle, which was naturally included in the exact and
right motions of Taekwondo, accords with the change of everything and
harmonizes itself with life of man, so it exists in the natural motion
This is why these thoughts can be the philosophy of Taekwondo even if
this writing does not refer to the old Korean bibliography, because there
remain not enough literal materials.
Those philosophical thoughts on Taekwondo in this book are what you can
find or confirm in Taekwondo during exercises, but not what have been
copied or modified kinds of some theories of other philosophy. The only
what were borrowed are the terms and conceptions from a variaty of theories,
which were needed to express the philosophical principles of Taekwondo.
As a result, you should come to understand, reading this article, that
the philosophical principles included in Taekwondo include all of essence
of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, and are equivalent to conceptions
of the oriental traditional philosophy. And you can agree to that they
can be applied to another kinds of martial arts and even to dances, too.
The next
books, On Samjae and KangYu
is already written and Philosophical
Foundations of Taekwondo Principle is under writting to support
the thesis of this book. The former will explain in detail how the principle
can be applied to each skills while the latter will search the academical
foundations inclusive of oriental and western philosophical bibliagraphies.
As you can
see in this site, this book is under translation into various languages
by the helper all over the world. This book will be published in English
and Spanish soon, too, and then the French version next, we guess. If
you can help us to publish this book, we wish you would contact us as
a friend.