
Taekwondo Bible Vol.1
Preface to the English ver.

Part. I

1. Oneness and ...
2. There is Do ...
3. The World, ...
4. Picturing ...

5. There is ...
6. The Principles ...

Part. II

7. In Taekwondo ...
8. Facing the ...
9. Erasing ...
10. Thinking ...
11. Doing TKD
12. Not Losing ...
13. Three ...

Part. III

14. Taekwondo's ...
15. Distinction ...
16. Doing Both ...
17. Questioning ...
18. Looking Out ...
19. Endless ...
20. Finding ...
21. Begining ...
22. Keeping ...

Part. IV

23. Moving ...
24. Controling ...
25. Attacking ...
26. Leading ...
27. Surpassing ...
28. Attacking ...
29. Capturing ...

Part. V

30. Having ...
31. Knowing ...
32. Filling Mind ...
33. Taekwondo ...
34. Hitting ...
35. Attacking ...
36. Making ...
37. Avoiding ...
38. Offense and ...
39. Winning with ...

Part. VI

40. Offense and ...
41. Having Softness ...
42. There Be ...
43. Controling ...
44. Being Able ...
45. Harmony of ...
46. Beautifulness ...
47. Able to Stab ...

Part. VII

48. Seeing Motion ...
49. Sparring with ...
50. Free in Strict ...
51. Having Poomsae ...
52. Perfection ...
53. Having Yourself ...
54. There being ...
55. Getting Everything ...

Part. VIII

56. Completing ...
57. Taekwondo Be ...
58. A Piece of String ...
59. Seeing New ...
60. Everything in ...
61. Begining Training ...
62. Seeing the World ...
63. Truth of TKD ...
64. Oneness and ...

Taekwondo Bible Vol.2

Taekwondo Bible Vol.3

Taekwondo Poem


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1. What is Taekwondo Philosophy?  


Is there philosophy in Taekwondo? If it were, where is it in Taekwondo? Many scholars have been commenting the philosophy of Taekwondo. Most of them tried to find the Taekwondo philosophy in the traditional philosophy of Orient. So they researched the philosophies of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism trying to apply their contents to Taekwondo. Then what did they obtain? They produced only Taekwondo decorated with difficult and sophisticated terms of oriental philosophy, which had nothing of actual and essential Taekwondo left. I can give you simple good reason why. None of Confucius, Buddha or Lao-tzu and Chuang-tzu talked about Taekwondo.

Is there philosophy in Taekwondo?

If it existed, and if it were true Taekwondo philosophy, it must be found nowhere else than in Taekwondo. I believe it is the principle that consists in motions of Taekwondo. And this book Philosophical Principles of Taekwondo presents its some detailed contents.

Taekwondo philosophy should be established following this order:

At first we should get the full understanding on Taekwondo itself. And we have to investigate its philosophical principles. Then, searching appropriate terms to conceive it, if we come to realize a traditional oriental philosophy has similar or same contents, then we can have good reason to apply its terms and logical scheme to Taekwondo.

If we are to compare good Taekwondo philosophy to a suit, which fits you, made of clothes from another one, the load of improper concepts, which has nothing to do with Taekwondo in spite of many oriental philosophical terms pinned artificially on the title of "Taekwondo", will be like another's suit only with your nameplate. Your nameplate, however, cannot make that unfitted suit fit you.

Therefore, Taekwondo philosophy is what is conceived of the philosophical, constant principle that is immanent in motions of Taekwondo.

We can often see those who define Taekwondo philosophy as only spiritual tenets. But it is also one of results from understandings on Taekwondo. Philosophical principle of Taekwondo can be applied equally to both activities of mind and of body. So its philosophical principle is same regardless whether it concerns mind or body. You will be able to see it in this book. I think it is one of the most pervasive mistakes resulted from efforts of applying irrelevant philosophy artificially to Taekwondo, that many scholars have been confining Taekwondo philosophy within mental tenets. It is almost same as you cut off your arms and legs to fit another's suit on your body.

Therefore the ideal Taekwondo philosophy should explain both motion and spirit of Taekwondo at once. And it should be able to explain the relation of spirit and motion. This book will achieve this task by showing principles of spirit and motion are same in that they have same formality.

Taekwondo philosophy is what is conceived of philosophical principles immanent in both spirit and motion, and it is simple. Just as every Taekwondo man shows in his motion.

1. What is Taekwondo Philosophy?
2. What is the Philosophical Principle of Taekwondo(PPT)?
3. What are the Relations between Taekwondo Philosophy and Traditional Oriental Philosophy
4. What Concepts of Oriental Philosophy to Explain Taekwondo Philosophy?
5. What Constitutes the Entire Contents of PPT? (Rough Contents)
6. What Are the Basic Theoretical Schemes of Taekwondo Philosophy?
7. What is Taekwondo?