What is the Philosophical Principle of Taekwondo(PPT)?
PPT is constant one. It is so constant just as those of physics are. But Taekwondo
philosophy, which conceives it, will change and advance. It will change and
advance as physics, which studies principle of physical phenomena, does.
This PPT is in man's motion, so it is internal principle that
lies where Nature meets man. This principle is also in man, so it differs from
that of physics. But it does not mean that they contradict each other. The PPT
has nothing mysterious, so nothing you cannot understand. It has only something
difficult to be described by words. You should understand it in your motion.
PPT is a principle that focuses the most essential one among
those of man's motion. It is what is immanent in fighting motion that man survives
and protects his life with. Here we can ask some question.
Why do we focus on the fighting motion?
And what we are the contents of the principle?
Firstly, let me explain why we focus on fighting motion.
Man is a life. It intends to live. So we dislike fight in many cases. For it
is closer to death. In spite of our struggle to erase death, however, we cannot
clean it away at the beginning and the end of life, and here and there in the
whole life. It is an escape and a sort of a lie to deny it. However we may try
to avoid fight we come to meet it in many cases in life inevitably. Taekwondo
spirit is to reject this escape, and to meet face to face what we dislike. I
conceive it as "transcendence to inside of life" in this book. It
means a positive contemplative attitude that accepts not only bright but also
dark aspect of things.
It is not only of this reason that principle of Taekwondo focuses
on fight. In the negative term of "fight" we can see the most clear
meaning of "interaction of you and your opponent". And this interaction
of you and him, in fact, constitutes every factors of your life. That is, you
can understand the principle that supports every factor of life by way of PPT.
You can understand your whole life. This is why Taekwondo can be a philosophy
by itself.
With this understanding, you can see Taekwondo, focusing on
the fight, sublimates the dark aspects of life we cannot erase.
Secondly, let me explain what are the contents of PPT.
As mentioned in the foregoing, though PPT is constant one, it can be explained
in various ways. Accordingly, the explanation you see in the book is one of
them, which begins with ways of Samjae(Three Essential Materials); Sky, Earth
and Man. The way of Sky says you have to keep everything of yours in its position,
i.e. on its most proper place in continuous change. The way of Earth says you
should make your opponent opposed to the world with your harmony in the opposition.
On the other hand, the way of Man says you should keep what you are, avoiding
extremes in interactions with him.
Each of these principles of Samjae, in combination with another
one, forms important abstract factors in motions of Taekwondo, and further in
every kinds of man's interactions: they are distance, tide and balance. Sky
and earth when united make distance; Sky and man when united make tide; and
earth and man when united make balance.(Ch.19) You should consider them all
the way to understand techniques of Kyorugi and to use it actually.
Some or many may think it is too difficult to understand or
consider such principle of Taekwondo. But it is because it was presented only
in words. When it is given with good demonstrations of your master in your Taekwondo
training so you can see it in the combination of thought and motion, it will
be very concrete and simple to understand. And it will provide you with clear
standards for your Taekwondo training. It is why this book can be said to suggest
right Taekwondo philosophy.
What is Taekwondo Philosophy?
2. What is the Philosophical
Principle of Taekwondo(PPT)?
What are the Relations between Taekwondo Philosophy and Traditional Oriental Philosophy
What Concepts of Oriental Philosophy to Explain Taekwondo Philosophy?
What Constitutes the Entire Contents of PPT? (Rough Contents)
What Are the Basic Theoretical Schemes of Taekwondo Philosophy?
What is Taekwondo?
