
Taekwondo Bible Vol.1
Preface to the English ver.

Part. I

1. Oneness and ...
2. There is Do ...
3. The World, ...
4. Picturing ...

5. There is ...
6. The Principles ...

Part. II

7. In Taekwondo ...
8. Facing the ...
9. Erasing ...
10. Thinking ...
11. Doing TKD
12. Not Losing ...
13. Three ...

Part. III

14. Taekwondo's ...
15. Distinction ...
16. Doing Both ...
17. Questioning ...
18. Looking Out ...
19. Endless ...
20. Finding ...
21. Begining ...
22. Keeping ...

Part. IV

23. Moving ...
24. Controling ...
25. Attacking ...
26. Leading ...
27. Surpassing ...
28. Attacking ...
29. Capturing ...

Part. V

30. Having ...
31. Knowing ...
32. Filling Mind ...
33. Taekwondo ...
34. Hitting ...
35. Attacking ...
36. Making ...
37. Avoiding ...
38. Offense and ...
39. Winning with ...

Part. VI

40. Offense and ...
41. Having Softness ...
42. There Be ...
43. Controling ...
44. Being Able ...
45. Harmony of ...
46. Beautifulness ...
47. Able to Stab ...

Part. VII

48. Seeing Motion ...
49. Sparring with ...
50. Free in Strict ...
51. Having Poomsae ...
52. Perfection ...
53. Having Yourself ...
54. There being ...
55. Getting Everything ...

Part. VIII

56. Completing ...
57. Taekwondo Be ...
58. A Piece of String ...
59. Seeing New ...
60. Everything in ...
61. Begining Training ...
62. Seeing the World ...
63. Truth of TKD ...
64. Oneness and ...

Taekwondo Bible Vol.2

Taekwondo Bible Vol.3

Taekwondo Poem


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3. What are the Relations between Taekwondo Philosophy and Traditional Oriental Philosophy?  


Taekwondo philosophy has very close and broad relation to the traditional oriental philosophy. It is because Taekwondo has been developed under oriental culture, particularly under the traditional culture of Korea. Therefore, it is natural and unavoidable that the characteristics of Korean thinking, which founded that traditional culture, formed essence of Taekwondo. But I can say another good reason of philosophical sort else than anthropological one on why Taekwondo philosophy has close relation to the traditional oriental thinking. It is concerned with matter of distinction.

If you review books of oriental philosophy you will find it easily that many essential parts look illogical. To the contrary books of western philosophy have been written in pursuit of strict logic. It is well known to philosophers that mathematics has been foundation that provided basic and essential thinking way for all the sciences in western world. However, it is not because oriental philosophers had logically confused thought that they used illogical arguments. It was rather because they intended to explain something beyond logical thinking.

For what did they want to explain it although it cannot be explained in logical way? The reason has been given by Buddhism saying "Why don't you see the moon yet the finger when I point the moon?". It means it is not only word that can express thoughts. To describe it different way, it is like that you can tell someone, who asked you how to go, the way to find his destination even with equivocation of no logically precise explanation. The destined objective of explanation is to tell him the way yet not to cling to logical expressions.

Each motion of Taekwondo has various aspects in itself, so it is multi-dimensional. Our language, however, relies on meaning that refers to a certain aspect of it, so it is flat. Once you were restricted only by language it would be impossible for you to explain such a multi-dimensional thing with flat meanings that refer to only its one aspect, however you may try. Thus, we use logically leaping expressions. Oriental philosophy has been explaining and systemizing its particular thoughts in use of them. Since Taekwondo also has simple yet multiple aspects I'm saying it would be more appropriate to explain it with term of this oriental philosophy.

1. What is Taekwondo Philosophy?
2. What is the Philosophical Principle of Taekwondo(PPT)?
3. What are the Relations between Taekwondo Philosophy and Traditional Oriental Philosophy
4. What Concepts of Oriental Philosophy to Explain Taekwondo Philosophy?
5. What Constitutes the Entire Contents of PPT? (Rough Contents)
6. What Are the Basic Theoretical Schemes of Taekwondo Philosophy?
7. What is Taekwondo?