
Taekwondo Bible Vol.1
Preface to the English ver.

Part. I

1. Oneness and ...
2. There is Do ...
3. The World, ...
4. Picturing ...

5. There is ...
6. The Principles ...

Part. II

7. In Taekwondo ...
8. Facing the ...
9. Erasing ...
10. Thinking ...
11. Doing TKD
12. Not Losing ...
13. Three ...

Part. III

14. Taekwondo's ...
15. Distinction ...
16. Doing Both ...
17. Questioning ...
18. Looking Out ...
19. Endless ...
20. Finding ...
21. Begining ...
22. Keeping ...

Part. IV

23. Moving ...
24. Controling ...
25. Attacking ...
26. Leading ...
27. Surpassing ...
28. Attacking ...
29. Capturing ...

Part. V

30. Having ...
31. Knowing ...
32. Filling Mind ...
33. Taekwondo ...
34. Hitting ...
35. Attacking ...
36. Making ...
37. Avoiding ...
38. Offense and ...
39. Winning with ...

Part. VI

40. Offense and ...
41. Having Softness ...
42. There Be ...
43. Controling ...
44. Being Able ...
45. Harmony of ...
46. Beautifulness ...
47. Able to Stab ...

Part. VII

48. Seeing Motion ...
49. Sparring with ...
50. Free in Strict ...
51. Having Poomsae ...
52. Perfection ...
53. Having Yourself ...
54. There being ...
55. Getting Everything ...

Part. VIII

56. Completing ...
57. Taekwondo Be ...
58. A Piece of String ...
59. Seeing New ...
60. Everything in ...
61. Begining Training ...
62. Seeing the World ...
63. Truth of TKD ...
64. Oneness and ...

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Chapter 7

In Taekwondo there is No Enemy  


"What is it to be strong?"
"......[Pointing to a nearby stream]"




There is no enemy in Taekwondo. The implications of this are very profound for it implies not only that Taekwondo is a tool of force and yet no one is to be regarded as an enemy. One should consider this proposition carefully.

How then is it possible that the Taekwondo-Een has no enemy in spite of the many oppositions and conflicts of human life? Consider Taekwondo like an herb growing on the earth of opposition and conflict. The herb's method of obtaining the water and nourishment for growth is not a struggle against others but a process of overcoming itself. TAEKWONDO is the way of overcoming all that is opposed against you. Although the opponent is an important part in that whole process he cannot be everything. You as a Taekwondo-Een fight within the context of balance and opposition among all things - your opponent, external circumstances, and not least of all yourself. This is not a fight that gives rise to quarrels but rather an aspect expressed out of the intrinsic vital process implicit in everyone. This essence of Taekwondo results in its strength, through which we can realize that Taekwondo is not ultimately for war but for peace.

How is Taekwondo strong? That you are strong means that you can always prevail, and this implies that you can attain what you desire, that you can do what you wish, and thus, that you can realize your own meaningful life. When you cannot win you will certainly fail. Then, you, who continue to struggle with yourself through Taekwondo, desire one thing, i.e. to overcome yourself. Your opponent is neither more nor less than a companion who aids you. It is because the meaning of your life depends only upon yourself that only you can and must be responsible for your decisions and accomplishments in the world.

Although some would regard such a Taekwondo-Een as yourself as his enemy, you must not consider him as such. This fact enables you to keep perfectly calm with presence of mind even amidst extremity and uncertainty. Aware of the truth, you can realize that the ultimate enemy always lies within yourself, and this is related to why the aforementioned Sage wanted to save people by way of Moksa (). Everything the Taekwondo-Een performs with self-discipline grows greater and stronger without limit. Therefore no enemy can defy the strength of Taekwondo.

On the other hand, there can be no enemy because no enemy can ultimately remain against the Taekwondo-Een. So it is said that there is no 'Enemy' with whom the Taekwondo-Een contends, there is only an Opponent. Since Taekwondo is ultimately a process where you mature in the battle against yourself, your enemy, if any, is in the opponent as only a part of your opponent, and is in yourself as only a part of yourself.
Not taking your opponent for the ultimate enemy, you, a Taekwondo-Een, can make every change, and be open to accepting everything. Spirit changes beings. Since the opponent is not your enemy there is no ultimate conflict, thus it is possible for you to enter into your opponent and bring him into you.