Juchum Seogi : The first pose of Traditional TRAINING<1>
basic standing pose of right photo shows a standardly good pose. This pose can
be made only through hard and long training. First, you may wonder why you should
try this unnatural pose in Taekwondo. But this pose can be used right away in
Kyorugi.(Left photo)
You can see that even though he closed two feet he opend his two knees so that
his left knee faces his front side.
If not, you cannot resist a sudden impact on your front knee.
The basic kyorugi pose will be explained again later.
Let me explain briefly why you should keep such a low standing pose. Look at
the right mobile image. This
image shows how you can fell your opponent down with ease. Convercely it also
means that you can be felled down easily by your opponent. If you observe this
image, the attacker moves down, under his opponent's centroid. Only when he
is lower than his opponent's centroid it can be easy to lift him up.
So if you drop your center low enough(like the basic standing pose) your opponent cannot move under your centroid. So he cannot lift you up with ease, and you can resist him for a moment, when you hit him with your punch or with crash.