Factors of Poomsae
Opponent(Actual Fight in Form) : Fight with the imaginary opponent,
who is yourself.(Ch.
The most important factor of Poomsae of Taekwondo is the hypothetical
opponent. It means, you should suppose your opponent in the
performance of each technique. The
fact that Taekwondo poomsae contains a hypothetical opponent
is its essential distinguishing feature from dance. This difference,
however, is also nothing at the same time. For every actual
entity does not distinguish itself from another by itself, and
every motion of man is same as another. Therefore, a perfect
dance can be perfect Taekwondo and vice versa. Both of them
are the same in that they are man's motions and the best motions
which express you.(Ch.
49 of Taekwondo
In this point Poomsae differs from dance. You should fight and control over
your opponent in poomsae. And you should not practice but fight actually in
poomsae. That fight is one with yourself.
2. Sseuim-sae :
The sseuim-sae is the skill or method of how to control over the opponent and
protect youself, i.e. the principle of organizing motions in poomsae. So the
meaning of each motion in poomsae; what is this motion for, is the sseuim-sae.
In order to get Sseuim-sae you should understand sufficiently the meaning of
each movement and motion of Poomsae.
Sseuim-nal :
Just as the sharp edge of a nife is necessary to cut something the powerfulness
in motions of poomsae is necessary to fell down and suppress the opponent when
the motions were used along the way of sseuim-sae, and this is the sseuim-nal.(Ch.