Three Steps in Each Basic Skill

Every basic skill, especially in training, should be composed of three steps : 1) ready 2) motion 3) ready. The third step "ready" again is the first step "ready" in the next skill.

This explanation is an emphasis on the "ready" before and after motion of skill. Without this ready step your motion cannot be a skill of Taekwondo yet it will be mere strange and hard yet not so beautiful motion. The ready is so important that you'd better perform that skill in this exact steps even in somewhat wrong motion rather than in good motion without these readys.

This ready-state can be only when you get ready in your mind. You should stop in every movement, even in breath in some cases, in strained preparation to attack or defend with your skill. It needs somewhat hard tension in your spirit. In automatical motion you can skip this hardness in your mind, which will make your training easy, in spite of some sweat. Yet it can be nothing more that an physical exercise. It is not a martial art, nor Taekwondo.

In actural case the good chance for your attack will appear suddenly and unexpectedly and disappear right away. You should be able to catch it. How? With your full readyness during motion. In defence too, almost cases the opponent's attack appear unexpectedly in sudden, and you cannot defend it without readyness.

Remember, what makes your motion to be a martial skill looks trivial. It is unseen if you don't concentrate it. More than that, there are strong temptation that you attracts you to skip it. Because it makes your training hard. Thus, many people cannot be a good martialist in spite of their much training.

Keep in your mind what is important, and practice it.