2-3. Samjae of
Three from One, it divides truth from falsehhood.. This is the So Go,
a Korean small drum.>
In the concrete Taekwondo, each of Haneul, Tang and Saram is what enables technique,
technique itself and the center of controling technique.
Among Samjae the concrete technique is Tang. Because Tang is what is distinguishable
among Samjae. Haneul is what enables this technique while Saram is the subject
that control it as a technique. What makes Taekwondo as it is, but not as it
is not? Thus, what makes Taekwondo distinguished from what is not Taekwondo?
It is its technique. Seeing the techniques, we can know they are those of
Taekwondo, and can know your motion follows TAEKWONDO.
Intrinsically TAEKWONDO is Ilgiyae(one
skillart), hence ultimate thing, with no change, so not distinguishable. Yet
we have only a way to talk of this distinctive way, which is through Samjae.
It is why it has been said since the old time; "making Three from One,
it divides truth from falsehhood."1)
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