2-8. Ultimate
The way of Haneul is eternal, and so it is rather simple.
Therefore the way of Haneul is only one. The way of Tang is divided into Kang
and Yu. So we come to see two. The way of Saram can be represented as three
kinds, since it has three aspects.1) This is
what is meant in Taekwondo by "one Haneul has one figure; one Tang has
two figures; and one Saram has three figures."[ô¸ìéìéò¢ìéì£ìÑìéß²]2)
should be abandoned in the end. Samjae is mere expedient means.>
On the other hand, however, since it has been said "the
Haneul way insists emptiness while Tang way maintain firmness, so emptiness
doesn't include no sameness while firmness includes only differentness",3)
"while the way of Sky is a
principle focusing on the originally nondistinctive essence of Nature, the way
of Earth is focusing on the man's originally distinctive essence, yet both of
them imply same, i.e. one thing."(Ch. 11) Concerned with the last man,
i.e. yourself, too, "though the common people accept egoity as real, the
Tathagata declares that ego is not different from non-ego,"4)
that's all. Therefore, we can see every way is empty.
Therefore, Samjae should be abandoned in the end. Samjae
is mere expedient means. "This is the reason why the Tathagata always teaches
this saying: My teaching of the Good Law is to be likened unto a raft. [Does
a man who has safely crossed a flood upon a raft continue his journey carrying
that raft upon his head?] The Buddha-teaching must be relinquished; how much
more so mis-teaching!"5) If you cannot
stop clinging to Samjae it means you cling to distinction only, then you cannot
reach the non distinctive truth; the one skillart. After all you cannot get
TAEKWONDO. It is why Samjae can be meaningful that it guides you to the non-distinctive
Therefore, it is futile and in vain to talk Samjae if
you lose its oneness. When they said "if you seek the true principle of
Three-One persistently you will return to what is true from what is futile"6)
they meant it. Therefore "reaching the oneness in collection of three understanding
divides into confusion and realization."7)
1) As you've seen in "2-2-3, Settlement
of Samjae", "If you have this intending you come to also have
an objective, what you intend to do, with a method of how to get it." That
is, the intending, the objective of the intention and its method are those three
aspects discussed here.
2) ¡¸ô¸Ý¬Ì衹, The one Sky is one, the one Earth is two, and the one Man is three.(ô¸ìéìéò¢ìéì£ìÑìéß²)
3) ¡¸¼ÂÀ» ¸ðÀº ±Û[üåß²Ìè]¡¹, 3 ¼¼ °¡´Ú[ß²ØÍ]: ô¸Ô³, ñ«úÈ, ò¢Ô³, ñ«ãù, úÈÙíÜôÔÒ, ãùÙíÝÕì¶.
4) Diamond Sutra 25. åýÕÎàâ êóä²íº öÎÞªêóä² ì»ÛíÜýñýìÑ ì¤êÓêóä².
5) Diamond Sutra 6. ì¤ãÀëùͺ åýÕÎßÈàâ æ£ÔõÝïÎø, ò±Ûêêçíº. ÛößÆëëÞ×
6) ¡¸ÀÓ±Ý´Ô ÁöÀº ¼¼¡¤ÇÑ¾ó ¸»¾¸ ±â¸²±Û ù°(åÙð² ß²ìéãêÍÎóÇ Ðììé)¡¹, "ñíß²ñíìé Ú÷ØÍÏýòØ."
7) ¡¸ÀÓ±Ý´Ô ÁöÀº ¼¼¡¤ÇÑ¾ó ¸»¾¸ ±â¸²±Û µÑ°(åÙð² ß²ìéãêÍÎóÇ Ðìì£)¡¹, ´Ù¼¸Â° °¡¸§(òØ×âýº),
"üåß²ñýìé Ú»çö÷÷Ô²".