8-1. Unification of Kand and Yu
Samjae and Kang-Yu of Taekwondo, when unified, make a skillart. Skillart is
the completely skilled technique.
Techniques of Kang-Yu when coupled generates boundless change. It is just like
that yin and yang when coupled generates 4 emblems and eight trigrams, and then
64 hexagrams. There is, however, one skillart that never changes in the boundless
change, which is verily TAEKWONDO that is presented as the Ilgiyae. As the foundation
of the distinction is Samjae, if you know only Kang-Yu yet not Samjae, you cannot
understand the change of Kang-Yu. Conversely, if you know only Samjae yet not
Kang-Yu, your knowledge will not be more than a doctrinarianism or prevent your
technique from being precise.
Therefore, with full knowledge of Samjae and Kang-Yu in an accordance of them
you can find constant truth in boundless change of technique. Thus Sun Tsu also
said, "the ultimate in disposing one's troops is to conceal them without
ascertainable shape. Then the most penetrating spies cannot pry nor can the
wise lay plans against you,"1) which describes
the state you complete the non-distinctive Ilgiyae
in immersion of techniques.
structure of invisible factors of Taekwondo
Consequently Taekwondo begins with Ilgiyae
and finish with it too.2) The one skillart
is beyond distinction, so it is neither being nor non-being. That is,
it is "oneness and nothingness
to be born together with each other"3)(Ch.1)
and also "oneness and
nothingness finishing together with each other."4)(Ch.64)
And, "I remain standing in a featureless drawing/ And my form can
vanish"5) so everything makes oneness
in perfect harmony in me. This is what is meant by <Oneness of Haneul
and Tang in Saram>. Since this one skillart has the form beyond distinction
it cannot be said of. To force myself to explain with some distinction,
it is nothing more than Samjae that enables techniques and changes of
Kang-Yu. Therefore it has been said, "the meanings of three kinds
of heaven and three breeds of Men are all the same as one."6)
Some people learn several good techniques and they worry if others will know
them too, or they feel proud keeping them in secret. But this is but like the
boat hidden in the ravine of the Chuang Tsu's analogy. "You hide your boat
in the ravine and your fish net in the swamp and tell yourself that they will
be safe. But in the middle of the night a strong man shoulders them and carries
them off, and in your stupidity you don't know why it happened. You think you
do right to hide little things in big ones, and yet they get away from you.
But if you were to hide the world in the world, so that nothing could get away,
this would be the final reality of the constancy of things."7)
Similarly, if you get Ilgiyae, and TAEKWONDO in it, with the knowledge of Samjae
and Kang-Yu it would be rather difficult to give others it even if you try.
This is great truth that goes through all kinds of martial arts.
1) Sun Tsu, The Art of War, <Çã½ÉÆí> ͺû¡Ü²ñýп, ò¸åÚÙíû¡;
Ùíû¡öÎä¢ÊàÜôÒöЪ, òªíºÜôÒöÙÇ.
2) This is the figure of Taekwondo as principle. In the process of a concrete
training, the figure of Taekwondo is that "Taekwondo
begins at one skill and becomes complete in the one skill."(Ch.57)
The forms of both are same.
3) ¡¸ô¸Ý¬Ì衹, ìéã·Ùíã·ìé.
4) ¡¸ô¸Ý¬Ì衹 "ìéðûÙíðûìé",
5) "That I Clench My Fist", 2.
6) ¡¸ÇѾó ÀÌÄ¡ Ã¥(ãê×âÓÞîï)¡¹, ¼Â° °¡¸§ 4. ô¸ñýß²ãê, ìÑñýß²ðó, Ðìëùìéå¥.
7) Chuang Tsu, ´ëÁ¾»ç 1, ÜýíúñÇåÚùÉ,íúߣåÚ÷Ê,êÝñýͳëø. æÔì»å¨ÚâêóÕôíºÝ¶ñýì»ñË,ØÜíºÜôò±å¥. íúá³ÓÞêóëñ.ë¢êóá¶Ôî.