Guide to Children TKD Class
This page is a guide for the first class of TKD seminar in Porto 2002. Problem: children get bored easily. Children don¡¯t understand something when we explain. They may want something funny. But they also need practice: repetition and understanding. + development of technique. Hint: They are more flexible in mind and body than adult. Solution<1>: Variation of techniques - From simple to complex. Example: 1) one kick 2) kick, kick 3) kick, kick, kick 4) kick, step, kick 5) kick, turn, kick 6) kick, kick, punch 7) step, step, kick 8) kick, turn, kick 9) kick, jump turn, kick, ¡¦ (Consideration : 1. they repeat something 2. they do something different every time. 3. they will understand something. Solution<2>: Change. A series of variation focuses on a technique: therefore they will be bored at last We have to make some change. Example: 1) variation: kicks or punches 2) kicking targets 3) punching, ¡¦
Tempo of Change
Game: A component of Change. - point of Game: guide them to keep ready in mind(building mentality of Taekwondo) Example) no game: kick a target Game: kick a mobile target No game: just punch Game: avoid attack and punch (Of course: competition is also a game) ¡Ø the point of game: interaction <Additions>
applying key points in various way 1) local focus : time1(loose), time2(intense), time3(loose) 2) macro focus:
Inner consideration of Master 1. follow up mentalities of students 2. 3 points of decision A. present situation B. goals C. alternative methods from situation to goal 3. You need 3 too. 1) reading mind(cares) 2) knowledge: you should get infos
3) experience : you need training
too. |