fighting Skill 1>
What would you do if you face your fighting opponent at first? Everyone might have some experiences of fighting his friend or someone he does not know. Otherwise, everyone must have experience to see someone fight another. Let's suppose you are in that situation and you didn't know special fighting skills like usual, at first. You must be standing watching your opponent and he must be watching you too.
In real fighting, one of you has to attack the other any way. If you attack
first, what would you do? Let me notice two faults of common man's punching. First, comman man pulls
back his fist a little bit unconsciously before punching like the first <picture
1> in almost cases. Seeing this tells you that defending and counterattacking common man's punch is very easy. But, in real, it would not be so easy as can be imagined, the reason of which will be explained later.