Knowledge on Kyorugi
is Kyorugi
Elements of Kyorugi
was the hardest problem for the Great Fighter
to train in Kyorugi Yaksok
Kyorugi(Designed Sparring)
Yaksok Kyorugi
An Example
Points of Yaksok Kyorugi Training
the Attackers Motion
<4> Yaksok
Kyorugi: pattern 1, 2, 3,
4, 5

pattern 6, 7,
8, 9, 10,
11, 12
Jayu Kyorugi(Free Sparring)
Jayu Kyorugi

A Kyorugi(Sparring) of Taekwondo and Karate

A Korea TKD Competiton in Korea(2002.4)

The highlight of Olympic Game in Athene(2004)

Highlights of Taekwondo Kyorugi in Olympic
2004 in Athene(2004)

Best Taekwondo Knockouts KO(in youtube)
High Level Technique of Taekwondo
Competiton <1>
High Level Technique of Taekwondo Competiton <2>
High Level Technique of Taekwondo Competiton <3>
High Level Technique of Taekwondo Competiton <4>
High Level Technique of Taekwondo Competiton <5> |
is, at least logically, the final step of Taekwondo training. It can be
regarded as a center of entire process of Taekwondo training. And practically,
all of another steps are for the sake of Kyorugi.
But many people don't know the meaning
and exact methodology of kyorugi so that they get injured than learn more
in kyorugi. Thus, they come to hate kyorugi. There are also another group
who misunderstand kyorugi, and they like only kyorugi ignoring another
training processes of TKD. They just enjoy kyorugi as an interesting game
to exhaust their inner aggresive emotion, although not bad way, yet they
may lose an important aspect of TKD and its training.
Since Taekwondo is a fighting skill, you
should train kyorugi any way to get the unique important value of Taekwondo.
I wish you can know what are those unique values in kyorugi and Taekwondo
in the below articles and explanations.