in Martial Arts
All kinds of martial arts can be understood as much evolved systems of fighting skills, and then Taekwondo is the extremity and essence among them all. Thus, unless you understand the whole evolutionary process of skills from the original to the profound, it would be difficult or impossible for you to understand why you have to move such as you've learned in Taekwondo classes. Here, you shall have many clues to understand such a evolutionary process of fighting skills from a simple gangster's tip to whole system of Taekwondo. Much of skillful, scientific and philosophical analysis would be served, too. These are like having the ground firm of your building of Taekwondo. This kind of researching attitude can be called "Evolutionism in Martial Arts". Thus evolutionism in martial arts suggests most intellectual practice of Taekwondo, and serves you with the whole from bottom to ceiling of the world of martial arts. Intellects, if they are main contiributors of man's development even when not unnecessary in human life, will improve your Taekwondo too. You should be able to get them all in a sense only after long considerations and hard training. Especially when you cannot increase your Taekwondo only through physical training, this research will help you to enjoy the martial principles. Now, the long and vast evolution of martial arts to Taekwondo begins and shows itself to you. <It may take somewhat much time to complete this pages, but if you be patient and visit here regularly you'll be rewarded.> |
1. 1st inquiry : Natural fighting Skill 2. 2nd inquiry : Evolutions 3. 3rd inquiry : Foundation & Basic 4. 4th inquiry : To Taekwondo |