The Importance of Pose in Training

<In Taekwondo, each pose is so important as in dance. The photo is Korean traditional one, Salpuri.>

Many practitioners ignores the importance of static pose in training. I can understand why. It is boring and hard. In addition to that, it is very difficult to understand how the training can be helpful for TKD skills. The boringness and hardness cannot be reduced by explanation, which yet can help you understand it.

As you can experience easily in training, the actual skill, the actual motion is usually very difficult to immitate. Those motions are fast and more complex than you can expect as you just observe. So many practitioners just immitate the vague motion yet not exact. This is why you cannot use the skills you've learned though your master can. In order to solve this problem, you have to practice each motion along the ways of basic training; distinctiveness, accordance, and stableness.(Ch.55 of PPT) In this way, you have to practice exact poses so as to get the three factors of basic, for it is quite difficult to get them once in fast motion.

"<Do> of everything consists in its changefulness yet not in its fixedness. Since, however, a man's learning traces the unchanged to the changeable and man's thinking expands from distinctions over into that beyond the distinction, the training of Taekwondo should learn the firm center fixed at first and then obtains the center in the swift motion. You can understand they are not distinguishable only after you understand those distinctions. This presents why the beginner of Taekwondo is taught to have his waste and legs strong when they learn beginning at first"(Ch.30 of PPT).

If we are to sum up the importance of pose in training, it can be said it is for exactness of motions. You can correct every faults in your motion in static pose, but not in fast motion. In human understanding man's action can be made of a series of static poses.



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