Current Taekwondo Poomsaes
Poom-sae is a system of taekwondo training composed of a certain frameworks that contain various skills ; standing, blocking, punching, kicking, and so on, based on a philosophical principle. Poom-sae is a main curriculum of taekwondo training that can be devided into that of black-belts and nonblack-belts. In 1972 Kukkiwon reformed each of poom-saes, Taekeuk poom-saes for nonblack-belts and Koyeo, Keumgang, Taekbaek, Pyongwon, Sipjin, Jitae, Chokwon, Hansu and Ilyeo for black-belts. The levels of taekwondo are devided into two groups of "poom" and "dan", the former refers to black-belts of youngers than or same as 15 years and the latter refers to elders. The highest poom is 3rd poom and the highest dan can be 9th. Everyone should practice these poomsaes hard according to plans established in his Dojang and make it a part of himself. Poom-sae can be characterized as a presentation of his dynamics and variety in the combination of his skills to others. While kyorugi was taken up as an Olympic game, poom-sae was not at present, but in Europe poom-sae contests for man and woman are quite popular. I think we should prepare a new kind of rules for poom-sae competition in World Championships. Here is summary of the philosophical implications of almost poom-saes with pictures in the followings. System of Poomsae