Introduction to Common Buddhism
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Sutra(Buddhist Bibles):Linked Pages
Basic Doctrines The goal of Buddhism
Nirvana Two descriptions of Nirvana: 1) nirvana with the substrate left(nirvana attained in this life), 2) nirvana without substrate (nirvana of the dead arahant) Causality Buddha declared, "That being present, this becomes; from the arising of that, this arises." and "that being absent, this does not become; from the cessation of that, this ceases." One of the most important of the discourses the Buddha addressed to the monks is the "Discourse on Causal Relations" (Paccaya-sutta), in which he speaks of (1) causality(paticcasamppada) and (2) causally conditioned phenomena (paticcasamuppanna dhamma). These two concepts, according to the Buddha, explain everything in this world, the individual things and the relations existing among them.