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Principles of Teaching Taekwondo


Safety First

At all costs, your students should be safe in training. Even though you care them from dangers or injures, if you don't know what dangers can afflict them, you cannot protect them from the possible dangers. So you, as a master, have much knowledge of those possible danges and prevailed injures related Taekwondo trainings, with of how to delete them off. A basic method is warming up before and after main hard training. The beginners, particularly the young beginners, have strong inclination to skip them as it can be seem boring and they don't believe it is so important. As a master you should monitor them, even when you don't teach them by yourself.

The most common injures you may find over Taekwondo students must be those of their knee. In order to prevent prevailed injures of knees, the basic prescription is that students should not spread full their legs in kicks. Every joint of leg and arm must be bent, more or less, always. This is important for technique too. Its ideology can be said to be "Temperance". TAEKWONDO, the essence of fighting techniques,/ can be summarized as 'Temperance.' You and your students should also be temperate in training.

This is just an example. I will make a list of common injures with its prescription later.


If you are an instructor of Taekwondo, you are responsible for most part of your students' motivation to training. The first motivation ought to be achieved by themselves, but you have to increase and continue it. It is the system of goals of training that is most important for motivation.

System of Goals

Each level of Taekwondo should provide its objective of training. A hierarch

Social system.



Abundant Knowledge of Technique and Skill


Steady training and Modification

