PROPOSAL by Webmaster
This site is not for money but for sharing useful infos about Taekwondo. Although there is a webmaster who manages this site, it is just for efficient management. You can join to build up this site with your writings to share and discuss it with others. At first, you can make your own site and uploard your writings and inform me. Then I'll read it and consider whether or how to link it. Second, you can send me your writing by email with your introduction. Then I'll upload it in this site adding some introductions. Internet is very flexible, so you can change your mind after you send me your writing, to make your site. Then I'll link it to my site. I'll redesign. If you have visited many sites with little useful infos or with low quality infos, you can understand why I should consider making a link to your own site or adding some introduction to your writing. I hope everyone enjoys high quality infos about Taekwondo here, so I have to check the qualities of writings someone sends me.
I have many good experiences of training with some unexpected foreign visitors. They were tourists to Korea with much interests in Taekwondo. After looking around some popular places they came to the Seoul National University, which was and still is known as the best University in Korea, where they visited the Taekwondo club. I belong to it. This site is not a commercial one, so I'm not sure that I can provide you with everything you need for a Taekwondo tour in Korea. What I can do for you are training Taekwondo together, sharing joy of Taekwondo, guiding your tour around Seoul National University or some another places in Seoul, and having lunch together with conversations. I can also help you to check in and out a hotel or something more you need help about, if you want, as a friend. But I'm not sure that I can help you everything of your tour. Thus, those who want to have some good chances to make friends with Korean Taekwondo practitioners in Seoul and to teach and learn Taekwondo one another should contact us. But those who want comfortable tour course in Korea or some infos about it should not contact us. They have to visit another commercial site. If you visit us to practice together you will meet many people who really love Taekwondo and can get some valuable infos about Taekwondo and its philosophy. It is the Taekwondo club of Seoul National University that has the best level of theoretical informations about Taekwondo. You will also be good friend to us. Remember you can always get at least a friend to help you in Korea even if you have never visited before, as far as you are a Taekwondo practitioner. <Taekwondo now belongs not to Korea but to the world. What Koreans have to do is not bragging it but helping people enjoying it.>
Every article in this site is written in Korea at first, but then translated into English to be shared by the world. But many in the world cannot read english. If you think the articles in this site is valuable I recommend you translate it into your language. Then I'll give you free copyright to publish it in your country for 20 years. If you are to publish it with english version uploaded here in your country, I can give you free copyright for 10 years. If you want publish some article in this site only in english without your translation added, I can give you free copyright for 5 years, of course, except in America, in Canada and in Korea. But remember, I cannot give free copyright to no more than only one in each country or in each language. Or else, it would be of no benefit to any body. If you value the articles here and pay effort to its translation, I hope it benefit you.
Let me introduce one case. You can see french version of "Philosophical Principles of Taekwondo(PPT)" in this site. It can be made owing to Francois, a Taekwondo man in Canada. He valued the article high and wanted to translate it into french. He is bilingual. So I came to think giving free copyright to appreciate him and his kind help. And I've promised it. So I cannot give you free copyright of french version of PPT without agreement of Francois. So you can imagine why I cannot give free copyright to you in America or in Canada. They are occupied already. If you want to translate any article into another language and need some help I will help you. |