This site serves philosophical foundations of Taekwondo in the world. The main contents of this site is those articles, including Taekwondo Poems, The Philosophical Principles of TAEKWONDO, Martialism, Inquiry to Fighting Skills, and Taekwondo History, which are all listed in the left menu with blue background. The following contents listed under them with yellow back are more applied and practical explanations about Taekwondo. They are sub contents in this site. But they are also designed according to the main articles above. If you beginner and you cannot understand the significance of the mains contents, you'd better begin studying this site in the sub contents. This site is mainly for professionals. But if you want to be high level Taekwondo man earlier, it also be helpful for you.About this site. Pursuits
of This Site About Taekwondo What
is Taekwondo (including introductory
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