of This Site
You can enjoy the infos in two ways. If you are interested the martial techniques of Taekwondo regardless of its philosophy you'd better try application infos like training, then you will come to arrive in philosophical articles naturally for you cannot get good understanding on techniques without the philosophy behind them. If you are more interested in the academical or philosophical arguments of Taekwondo you'd better try the contents of blue background, then you will come to be forced to see applied techniques, for you cannot get the philosophy or spirit of Taekwondo without its concrete features. And every contents of each page is related to another, thus you can see it whenever you click the links in texts, icons and images in a page. Their links make a complex network of concepts, and it may look comlicated at first. But what you have to do is to just click what interests you and to enjoy them. Don't try to understand them all in a sight. I guess you can get better and better understanding of Taekwondo whenever you visit this site, and you will find yourself in the core of Taekwondo, if you keep practicing Taekwondo with surfing. Hierarchical Structure of Contents of this Site |