Junbi Motion of Juchum Seo Momtong Jiruegi
The first is the pose of Junbi. The next is to drop your hip down. This point is very important from the technical viewpoint. In On Samjae and Kang-Yu, it was said; "it
is the attribute of Haneul to make your standing pose with only one leg lowering
your hip."(Ch. 3-2 of 3JKY) In most technique of Taekwond you should
stand on only one leg, but Juchum Seogi is an exception. So if you don't make
low pose, there is nothing you can get of factors of Haneul, so the training
is vacant. Remember, the first thing you have to do in the entire motion is to drop your hip down, and the last to stand up. Stay in the low pose as long as possible. It must be the hardest way. You can see the whole motion in this movie( And, when you use this technique in actual situation, you should move speedy
way like this.( |