General Principles of Taekwondo Training
1. Taekwondo is in Mind
2. From Visible to Invisible The entire steps of Taekwondo training should advance from visible thing to invisible. The final goal of Taekwondo training is the ultimate truth that can be applied to everything through physical movements of attack and defense. That ultimate truth, if it were true that it can be applied to everything, must be out of a certain shape or specified pattern. It is invisible yet exists. However, it is very difficult, particularly, for beginners to reach this invisible truth directly, so it is almost unavoidable to begin training with patterns. Therefore, it is desirable they begin their training of patternized method, which is visible. But since the final goal of training is to get the invisible ultimate truth, everyone should not cling to what they got by some patterns of training. Remember, "If you cannot follow what you've learned in spite of your effort, it is because you don't know the formless factors you cannot see easily. You should seek this formless factors along the way of Samjae."(Ch.4-7 of 3JKY) 3. From soft and easy To Hard and difficult Each course of training should begin and end with easy and soft step by way of hard and difficult process in the middle. The warming up can be emphasized as a god example. You should begin slow and soft warming up before hard training and repeat it after the main training. And it is very reasonable and scientific to follow this process, but some youngsters do not because they hurry up too much to get technique and power only. But this haste can cause some injures on your body. You need patience to get great thing in Taekwondo. 4. Points of Training Every practitioners of Taekwondo should know the point of their training in each step. Without focusing point nothing can be a training. The instructors must also teach this point to his students in each step. And if you understand the point of your training you can be easily motivated. (Refer to Technical Points in Taekwondo Motion) If you know points of training you will find you cannot help moving your mind
in training to get those points. "The ultimate reality of Taekwondo is
nothing but the mind."(Ch
43 of PPT) Without movement of your mind you cannot try your true training. 5. Exact Learning is Very Important In Taekwondo, and in every kind of martial arts, it is very important to learn every technique and principle exactly. You should not imitate a technique or a motion without exact learning of Taekwondo. It will produce bad habits of your movement, which will cause severe injure on your body and make you defeated in sparing. Since it is important to learn exact technique and principles, you should visit Do Jang and ask for teaching from your master. It must be prohibited that you try your own training by yourself only with some textbooks or video tapes. These materials are useful to remind you of what you've learned from your master, but that's all. Remember, "people cannot use Taekwondo techniques though they've learned them. Fore they didn't learn them exactly."(Ch.8-3 of 3JKY) |