Including Minister Soga, Appeared Wearing Paekche Clothes the seminal
role of the Paekche people in the formation of the Late Tomb culture
Wontack Hong
Professor, Seoul University
Kaya (Karak) vs. Paekche
According to Kim Ki-Woong (1986), the fact
that the early tombs were located on hilltops and had vertical-pit-style
chambers suggests that they correspond to the third or fourth century
Kaya (Karak) tombs, while the fact that the late tombs were located
on level plains and had horizontal stone chambers suggests that they
correspond to Paekche tombs. Furthermore, the ornaments found in the
early tombs are similar to those found in Kaya tombs, while the ornaments
found in the late tombs are similar to those found in Paekche tombs.
According to Kim, the oldest iron stirrups
excavated in Korea are mostly dated to the third and fourth centuries,
while the oldest stirrups discovered on the Japanese islands are mostly
dated to the fifth and sixth centuries.1>
According to Oka Masao, the Altaic kin term kara (having its cognates
in the Tungus dialect xala implying kin group) was introduced to the
Japanese islands at the beginning of the Yayoi period, and then another
term uji (implying “kin group” ul in Korean, and “descendants” uru in
Tungus) was introduced with the Altaic royal culture in the fourth century.
Oka apparently postulates two different waves of people from the Korean
According to the Dongyi-zhuan of Wei-shu
that was compiled in the late third century, since the men and women
of twelve Pyun-han states were very close to Wa (people), many of them
had tattoos.3> On the other hand, according
to the Liang-shu that was compiled in the early seventh century, since
the Paekche State was close to the Yamato (State), there were many Paekche
people who had tattoos.4> The fact that
it was the Pyun-han (Kaya) people who had commenced the 600-year Yayoi
era on the Japanese islands, and that it was the Paekche people who
had established the Yamato kingdom and commenced the 300-year (Late)
Tomb era, came to be recorded in the Chinese chronicles with such a
subtle differentiation of expression.Kitabatake Chikahusa (1293-1354)
was a political and ideological leader of the southern dynasty during
the period of the so-called South-North dynasty of the Yamato kingdom
(1331-92). He wrote a historical chronicle in 1343, and in the Oujin
(Homuda) section, he stated that those chronicles claiming that “the
people of old Japan were the same as the Three Han people” were all
burnt during the reign of Kanmu (781-806).5>
Modern historians may well pay attention
to the fact that Kitabatake made such a statement specifically in the
Oujin section, and then might well ask themselves why. Drastic Changes
in CostumesThere occurred drastic changes in costumes by the Late Tomb
Period. A large proportion of the haniwa male figures are dressed in
jackets and trousers, as depicted in Nihongi for Amatersu and in Samguk-sagi
for King Koi.6> Kojiki and Nihongi record
the arrival of tailors from Paekche during the reign of Oujin.7>
Lee (1991: 741) observes that the Chinese chronicles record differences
between the clothing of the Korean peninsula and that of the Japanese
islands for the early [Yayoi] period, but record similarity between
them for the later [Kofun] period.
The Bei-shi records that men and women
in the [Late Tomb Period] Japanese islands wore shirts and skirts; the
sleeves of men’s shirts were short; and women’s skirts were pleated.
At this point, the Bei-shi specifically mentions that “in older days”
men wore a wide seamless cloth on the body.8>
Indeed, the Dongyi-zhuan has recorded that the clothing of [Yayoi] Wa
people is like an unlined coverlet and is worn by slipping the head
through an opening in the center, and that their clothing is fastened
around the body with very little sewing.9>
The paintings in the Takamatsuzuka tomb show the women wearing long,
lined jackets and pleated skirts. Kidder (1972) states that: “The costumes
of the women make it abundantly clear that Korean women are shown here.”
According to the Bei-shi, Zhou-shu, and Sui-shu, the attire of Paekche
men was very similar to that of Koguryeo men, both wearing caps with
feathers on both sides. The Paekche ladies wore jackets with ample sleeves
over the skirts.
Zhou-shu records that unmarried Paekche
women wore their hair in plaits gathered at the back but left a tress
of hair hanging as a decoration, while the married women formed two
plaited tresses of hair which were turned up. Bei-shi echoes that unmarried
Paekche women twisted their hair into a chignon and let it hang at the
back but the married ones twisted their hair upward in two parts. Sui-shu
similarly records that unmarried Paekche women twisted their hair into
a chignon and let it hang at the back while the married ones separated
their hair into two parts and placed them on head. Neither Bei-shi nor
Sui-shu mentions a chignon for Koguryeo women. The description of “hanging
at the back” in Bei-shi is specifically used for Paekche women.
If we examine the hair-styles of the ladies
in the Takamatsuzuka paintings, it is clear that they are the hair-styles
of Paekche ladies described in Sui-shu and Zhou-shu. Their hair-styles
are very different from those of the ladies-in-waiting appearing in
the fifth-century Koguryeo Tombs.10>
Nihongi records that on January 15, 593, relics of Buddha were deposited
in the foundation stone of the pillar of a pagoda at H?k?ji; and the
Suiko section of Fus?-ryakuki (compiled by the monk K?en during the
early thirteenth century) records that, on that occasion, some one hundred
people, including the Great Minister Soga Umako, had appeared wearing
Paekche clothes, and the spectators were very much delighted.11>
The chief of the Research Division of Sh?s?-in,
Sekine Sinryu, examined 60 pieces of ancient clothing and concluded
that the ancient clothing of Korea and that of Japan were exactly identical.12>
The Fujinoki SarcophagusThe stone chamber of the Fujinoki Tomb was excavated
in late 1985 and early 1986, and the sarcophagus itself was opened in
late 1988. The human remains were identified as a male adult between
20 and 30 years of age (of his secondary burial) and a woman. About
10,000 items (counting the beads in lumps) including a gilt-bronze crown,
two pairs of gilt-bronze shoes with dangling fish ornaments, two pair
of heavily gold-plated bronze earrings, a bronze belt with two silver
daggers stuck inside, 416 gold pendants, a pair of gilt-bronze half-cylindrical
leg guard pieces, 4 bronze mirrors, 5 swords, and 47 pieces of the brownish-grey
ceremonial Sue ware, were recovered.
A large quantity of horse-trappings was
piled on the chamber floor behind the sarcophagus. The tomb has also
yielded about one thousand slats of iron armor, iron arrows, and arrowheads
(see Kidder, 1989). One mirror has inscriptions of three characters
(yi zi sun) implying “May the owner have an abundance of descendants”
exactly like the mirror from the Paekche tomb of King Mu-nyung (d.523).
According to Kidder, “most gilt-bronze crowns found in Japan were made
in Korea.” Kidder believes that the
objects are very similar to Paekche material, specifically the grave-goods
from the tomb of King Mu-nyung, and perhaps most of them actually came
from Paekche.Kidder (1989) contends that Fujinoki is the tomb of Sushun
(r.587-92), Sh?toku’s uncle assassinated by Soga Umako (d.626), inadvertently
exposed to public view through misidentification dating from Tokugawa
or Meiji periods. A document dated Emp? 7 (1679) that was found in an
old chest in S?genji, a sub-temple of H?ry?ji, refers to the mound specifically
as the Misasagi-yama of Emperor Sushun. According to Kidder, Sushun’s
name still appeared in this connection in documents until 1872, and
the term Misasagi itself continued to be used into the early 1940s.
Items originated in the Korean peninsulaFarris (1998: 68-70) summarizes
the materials, technologies, and religious and political systems that
flowed from the Korean peninsula to the Japanese islands during the
entire Tomb Period.
First, items essentially originated in the peninsula
such as iron ore and iron-working techniques, the cuirass, the iron
oven, bronze bells, court titles and surnames, the district, measurements
for the field pattern system, and mountain fortifications.
Second, items from China that were transmitted with
some alteration or refinement, such as the ring-pommeled sword, (U-shaped)
iron attachments for farming tools, pond- and canal-digging technology,
stoneware, silk weaving, the idea for service and producer units (be),
law codes, and writing.13>
Third, items that were transferred with slight changes,
such as lamellar armor, horse trappings, stone-fitting methods and tombs,
gold and silver jewelry, Buddhism, and the crossbow. Farris
(1998-70) states that: “Taken together these three modes of transmission
reflect the seminal role played by peninsular peoples in the formation
of Japan’s Tomb culture.”
According to the Zhou-shu, Paekche maintained a system
of twelve Be (Bu) which served the court as palace functionaries and
ten Be which filled government officies (as divisions of the government
at large). The former included the Be of grain, Be of meat and butchers,
Be of inner repository and storekeeping, Be of outer repository, Be
of horses, Be of swordsmiths, Be of medicine, Be of carpenters, and
Be of law. The latter included Be of military service, Be of education,
Be of civil engineering, Be of judicature, Be of registry, Be of diplomacy,
and Be of finance and taxation.14>
The Yamato kingdom was established on the foundation
of a politico-social system called Uji-Kababe. The Yamato ruling clans
were grouped into a large number of extended pseudo-kinship units, called
Uji, which acquired clan names denoting the place of their domicile
or their occupation. Be groupings represented the hereditary occupational
groups serving the Yamato court, under the command of Uji chieftains
with Kabane titles. Kabane were titles (prestige order) conferred on
Uji chieftains to show their status in the Yamato court. Neither Uji
nor Be was a kinship group based purely on blood ties. Both were functional
groups including persons without blood relation that were established
in the form of extended family units for practical purposes.
The aristocratic Uji chiefs were entrusted with the
control of Be groups that furnished goods and services to the court,
undertaking farming, land reclamation, fishing, weaving, pottery making,
divining, and production of craft goods and iron weapons. Each Uji was
assigned a different role and task.15>
According to Inoue (1977), the term Uji derives from the Korean Ul and
the Mongolian Uru-q, denoting a patrilineal group, and the use of the
Chinese character Be “was presumably influenced by the twelve court
offices (Bu) of Paekche.”16> Kiley (1983)
is more specific: “The use of Kabane titles, like the division of political
jurisdictions into Be, was adopted from Paekche. It is quite likely
that the institution of Be was the beginning of the Uji.
The primary means of controlling the people in the pre-Taika
period was Be system. The development of Be was stimulated by that of
Paekche. It embodied a distinction between the inner court, i.e., the
King’s domestic household, and the outer court or government at large,
and each court had its own treasury. This distinction, another adaptation
of Paekche institutions, made room for the development of more purely
political offices in the national administration.”17>
Be was the service group organized first by the people who came from
Paekche, fashioned after the Bu (Be) function in Paekche.
There were some Be groups that belonged to the royal
family, but most of them belonged to the Uji. The Uji chiefs who were
in control of the Be groups occupied the core positions in the Yamato
court. Uji was the means of effectively maintaining and utilizing the
Be groups. The Be system that constituted the foundation of the Uji
was indispensable for the Yamato kings to act as the supreme rulers.
According to Nihongi (N1: 365), Y?riaku assembled all
the Hata people and gave them to Lord Sake of Hata (Hada no Miyakko)
who, attended by excellent Be workmen of 180 kinds, could soon pile
up fine silks to fill the Court. Y?riaku then dispersed (ca. 472 AD)
the Hata clan throughout the country and made them pay tribute in industrial
taxes.18> The Hata and Aya clans, the
two largest clans that came over to the Japanese islands from Paekche
en masse during the reign of Oujin, were entrusted not only with sericulture,
weaving, metallurgy, and land development but also all kinds of administrative
duties including diplomatic services, supervision of government storehouses,
record-keeping, collection of taxes and disbursements of government
These two clans, in particular, enabled the Yamato court
to function as a respectable nation-state. According to Nihongi, when
Y?riaku went on a hunting expedition, he wished to cut up the fresh
meat and have a banquet on the hunting-field. The Queen was obliged
to establish the Fleshers’ Be on the spot for Y?iaku with three stewards
of her own. Following the Queen’s initiative, the Ministers, one after
another, were obliged to contribute some of their stewards to the Fleshers’
What this story tells us is that a Be can be established
with as little as three persons as the occasion demands. This also implies
that the Yamato people were much more flexible and informal than the
Paekche court in establishing a Be as the occasion requires. The Yamato
court had maintained Yama-Be (gathering such mountain products as chestnuts,
bamboo and vines), Im-Be (performing religious services), Haji-Be (making
haji and haniwa), Kanuchi-Be (producing iron weapons), Nishigori-Be
(weaving silk fabrics), Kinunui-Be (sewing clothes), Umakai-Be (raising
horse or producing cattle feed), Kuratsukuri-Be (making saddles), Toneri-Be
(performing miscellaneous tasks and policing duties), Kashiwade-Be (working
in the imperial kitchens), Saeki-Be (performing military services),
and so on. 20>
?bayashi (1985) states that the “important factor for
the maturation of Uji is the influx of influence from Altaic pastoral
cultures into the Japanese archipelago, thus introducing some new kin
terms of Altaic provenance… This process went hand in hand with the
penetration of Puyeo and Koguryeo culture into southern Korea. … personal
ornaments of glittering gold from some fifth-century kofun indicate
the arrival of the royal culture of Altaic pastoral people via the Korean
Peninsula. Some myths and rituals centering on the kingship in ancient
Japan with Koguryeo and Paekche parallels surely make up another link
in the same chain.”
http://www.EastAsianHistory.pe.kr http://www.WontackHong.pe.kr.?2005
by Wontack HongAll rights reserved
1> See Kim Ki-Woong (1986: 76, 88-9, 96-97, 99-101,
105-106, 112 120-1, 129).
2> See ?bayashi (1985: 13-14).
3> ??? ?? ??????? ??? . . . ???? ???
4> ?? ?? ?? ?? . . . ???? ?????
5> ?? . . .?????????????????????????????????????
????? ???? ????? (Tokyo: Kyuko, p. 28)
6> ????. . .???? (NI: 105) ???. . .?????? ??? ??????
(S2: 29-30)
7> ?? ??? ????????. . .?????????? (NI: 371) ??????????
???? (F: 290) ?? ???????? ?????(K: 248)
8> ?? ???? ?? ??????. . .???...??? ????? ???? ????
??? ???. . .?? ???? ???? ????… ?? ??? ???????
9> ??? ?? ??? ?. . .???? ????? ??? ?????? ????? ????
???? Ishiyama Akira (KEJ: 1.329) notes that: “Engravings of human figures
appearing [to be of the] Yayoi period [on] D?taku (bronze bell-shaped
ritual objects), excavated in what is now Kagawa Prefecture, depict
men wearing a sort of poncho.”
10> ?? ???? ?? ??? ? ??? ?? …??? ?? ?????…??????…?
???? ???? ??? ? ???? ?????? ??? ?????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ??. . .?????
?????.. ????? ??? ????? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??. . .????????…?????
??????? ? ????
11> ?? ????? ???? ? ???????? . . . ??? (NII: 173
) ???? ???? ???? ??????? ???? ???????? ???? ?? ???? ????? ????
12> See Lee (1991: 742-5).
13> According to Farris (1998: 82), the “reservoirs
for watering rice had been less important in China, where rivers kept
millet fields and rice paddies moist the year round.”
14> ?? ???? ?? ???? ??? ?? ???? ???? ???? ??????
?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? ??
??? ??? ????? ???? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ????? ???????? ????? According to
Hsiao (1978, 38), many high-ranking court offices of the centralized
and bureaucratic Qin and Han dynasties originated in the needs of the
palace: “The position of prime minister (zai-xiang) originated from
the chamberlain of the royal family, and the so-called nine ministers
likewise evolved from the domestic staff of the royal family.”
15> Hirano (1977) contends that “a unified state
in Japan first came into being in the late fifth century on the basis
of the Be community system … Be system can be considered as representing
the basic socio-political structure of the primitive Japanese state;
at the apex was the Yamato sovereign, who had secured the allegiance
of powerful Uji chieftains. Below them were the numerous Be service
groups, who provided labor and goods.” By the sixth century, the imperial
clan created directly subordinate agricultural Be in the countryside
at the expense of local Be.
16> Farris (1998, 101) notes the fact that Tsuda
S?kichi had already contended that the word “Be” was derived from the
Paekche language.
17> Kabane usually constituted the final element
present in clan surnames. (There were clan names lacking kabane element.)
Barnes (1988: 29) states that: “The names of several of the standard
[Kabane] ranks have Korean origins and were probably introduced in the
mid-fifth century along with the Kabane idea of systematic ranking and
many other innovations. Moreover, many of the Uji holding Kabane ranks
were themselves of Korean descent.” According to Aoki (1974, 41), “Homuda
(Oujin) recruited his lieutenants from the village chieftains in the
growing delta. He called them Muraji, a term of distinctly Korean origin,
meaning village chief.” Muraji rank was for the important non-royal
Uji and generally derived their names from occupations. Omi rank was
for the lesser off-shoots of the royal family and usually employed local
place names. A Great Omi and a Great Muraji were the chief ministers.
18> ?? ??? ????? ???? ????? ????????? ?????? ????
?? ??? ? ?????? ????? ???? ?495
19> ?? ?? ...????? …???? ???? ???? ??????...????
???? ????? ???? ?????? ?? ???? ????????? ?? ??????? ???? ???? ??...???????
????? ?????????? ????...???? ???? ???? ????...???????...? ????...????
???? ???? ???? ????????? ?????? ???? ?????????? ?463-465
20> ???? ???? ?? ? ?? ???? ?248 ?? ?? ??? ????? ??
?365 ?? ?? ??? ????? ?465 See Hirano Kunio (KEJ, 1983: 147).
Truth of History: About the Orgine of Japan (Recommanded
Homepage: www.EastAsianHistory.pe.kr)

The Yamato Kingdom:The First Unified
State in the Japanese Islands Established by the Paekche People

The Japanese Islands Conquered
by the Paekche People the foundation myth: trinity

Massive Influx of the Paekche
People into the Yamato Region

Fall of the Paekche Kingdom and
Creating a New History of the Yamato Kingdom

King Kwang-gae-to’s Stele yamato
solideirs in the korean peninsula

Archeological Break:Event or Process
the late tomb culture

They, Including Minister Soga,
Appeared Wearing Paekche Clothes

Coming Across the Emotive Records
in Kojiki and Nihongi revelation of close kinship