Im Maek The Function of Im Maek This maek can increase the yin energy of the body. This maek connects all the yin meridians of the body as well as the Chung maek and EomYu maek. This maek is the link that is able to link the three yin of the leg and the three yin of the arm. This maek controls the Uterus and the genital system especially in women. This function primarily involves stagnation of Ki and/or blood in the lower abdomen due to either hot or cold conditions. This condition can be caused by too much cold food, or emotions. And this maek is primarily used for stagnation causing; painful periods, masses in the abdomen, excessive periods, fibroids and ovarian cysts. This maek controls the distribution and dispersion of Ki in Yu and fluids over the abdomen and thorax. Thus it is used in cases of edema and urinary retention. To See the Image only